Smoothed daily maximum temperature throughout the year in Europe. Data: ERA5-Land.
How cloudiness changes throughout the year in Europe. Data: METEOSAT.
The average temperature of 24 hours in August 2020 for Europe. Data: ERA5-Land.
The average temperature of 24 hours in January 2020. Data: ERA5-Land.
Smoothed daily rainfall throughout the year in Australia. Data: SILO.
Smoothed daily maximum temperature throughout the year in Australia. Data: SILO.
Smoothed daily sea surface temperature throughout the year for the Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean, North and Black Sea. Data: NOAA/NODC.
Probability of a summer day (maximum temperature greater than 25ºC/77ºF) through the year in Europe. Data: E-OBS.
Probability of a frost day (minimum temperature less than 0ºC) through the year in Europe. Data: ERA5-Land.
Evolution of 3G and 4G mobile telephony in the Iberian Peninsula from 2012 to 2022.Data:
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